Epsom salts are known for helping with joint pain. They also have other healing properties if you are an empath.
It’s been a hard rough week for me. Arthritis pain has been running at a higher level than I’m prepared to deal with on a daily basis. I’ve had a ninety-minute writing seminar online every day this week to attend. Working nights I’ve had to squeeze the seminar in when I woke before I went to work.
I had two emotional weekends. Both Saturdays there has been a special workshop to teach healing through writing. Emotions ran high and as an empath, I felt them very strongly.
The people in attendance were damaged emotionally from abuse. They didn’t feel loved or supported. As they wrote out their feelings the emotions came to the surface to be seen, and felt, and released. The tears they cried could have fallen from my own eyes because the pain certainly found its way into my own heart.
Heavy Emotions
Arthritis and the time constraints of the seminars were inconveniences. The Saturday workshops were hard. After I left I found myself feeling very heavy of heart and I knew I had absorbed more emotional pain than I was prepared to deal with. The topics brought up also triggered some of my own emotional issues I am still working on. Running away was the top thing in my mind as I left.
How do you run away from yourself?
You can’t. You can keep your mind occupied on other things. But, you can run away from your thoughts only as long as you keep busy and never have an idle moment. However, stop “doing” for just one minute and those thoughts chasing you invade quicker than you can put up any shields against them.
I lost myself in writing and painting for a while. For emotional support, I called a friend to help purge the pain.
At night I took a bath. It sounds so simple and it really is. I add about 4 cups of Epsom salts to a running bath and soak for 20 minutes. If I need extra relaxation I add in some lavender oil. Visualization and breathing help with the cleansing.
Visualize Smokestacks
I pray first that the water is able to wash away all negative energies and entities. Then I visualize city smokestacks. Breathing in deeply I breathe in clean white “smoke” to fill my body everywhere and “push” out any unwanted unnecessary energy that is sitting in me as I exhale. I visualize this as black “smoke”.
The smokestacks are a measuring tool that tells me how “clean” I am. When I begin my bath usually the smoke coming from the smokestacks is a dull gray color. If it’s been an easier week it is closer to white.
This week it was almost black with bad energy. As I breathe in the clean energy and exhale the unwanted energy the smokestacks slowly begin to show lighter and lighter smoke until it becomes white and clean again.
I can feel the difference. When I exhale, I can feel the negative energy leaving. Inhaling brings peace. I was raised Catholic so I now ask the Holy Ghost to fill me with His gifts of peace and love. The heaviness is gone. The weight and the pain have exited and I am myself again.
Every time I take on the energy of another person I do this. I find myself taking an Epsom salt bath any time I feel like I’m not myself, especially if I feel more depressed than normal. Sometimes I’ve absorbed energy I didn’t know I had. This clears it.
It’s also good for arthritis.
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