I called this blog The Write Empath, but I seldom write about the empath part of me. I am an empath, and it is an important part of who I am, but it isn’t something I focus much on in the public eye.
There are books, blogs, and message boards galore that discuss the term empath and all that it entails. Online tests claim to be able to break down that definition into particular types of empaths. It is often treated as a label or a golden crown.
Not A Label Or Crown
Any true empath will tell you it is not a label. Nor does it mean you have magic powers and can heal the sick or perform other such miracles. And, it certainly isn’t a crown. Most of us will admit feeling like it is as much a curse as it is a blessing.
The word “empath” is tainted by being connected to New Age philosophy. However, you do not have to participate in anything New Age to be an empath. It isn’t something you embrace or a garment you put on. It is something you just ARE.
In simple terms, an empath is a receiver of emotions. We experience life differently than other people do. We can pick up and feel the emotions of others, especially those we are close to. An empath knows when someone is lying, or when they are harboring a secret emotion despite what outward appearances say.
Some have said we are just wired differently. Others hold the theory that we are products of our past and traumatic experiences caused us to develop the extra sense for protection. There is another theory that everyone has the ability, but it isn’t as honed or strong in those who are not empaths.
Christian and An Empath?
I’ve been told I can’t be Christian because I am an empath. That’s like saying I can’t be a writer because I have flat feet. One is a choice, the other just is. I can choose whether to be Christian. I can’t choose to be an empath.

As I said earlier, the term empath has been strongly associated with New Age philosophy and all the beliefs surrounding it. It’s sad because that will turn away many good Christian empaths from finding out who they are and how to handle the craziness that comes with it.
As much as I would like to be a guide for them, I am not comfortable enough in my own knowledge to take on that responsibility. I’m still learning what it means and how to handle all the emotions that aren’t mine. Yet, it’s hard to find Christian communities who can guide those of us like me with this ability.
I do not believe in the New Age philosophy. It definitely does not resonate with my true self, and I reject much of what I read about empaths in connection to New Age philosophy.
Personal Journey
Mine is a personal journey of discovery. I can pretend I am not an empath, but it doesn’t stop me from picking up and feeling the emotions that I do. Pretending is false and harmful. Picture a bomb directed at you. Will pretending it’s not there make it impossible for it to hurt you? Of course not. It’s the same way with the harmful emotions we pick up as empaths.
My beginning journey as an empath can be found in my earlier blog posts: The Journey To The Empath Part 1 The Journey to the Empath part 2 and The Journey To The Empath Part 3
If there are any Christian empaths who are willing to share their experiences and offer guidance I would love to connect with you. Please reach out in email or in the comments.
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