Understanding each other is crucial to being kind and compassionate, even if we agree to disagree. No matter how strongly we feel that those with opposing viewpoints are idiots, they still have reasons they feel as they do, just as we are entitled to our own opinions and beliefs. And this is also at the heart of the mask debate.

Pro-mask people firmly believe wearing masks will slow the spread of Covid-19, and in time the world will open up again no matter how long it takes.
Anti-mask people firmly believe the government will never allow the world to open up and be free again. The government never willingly returns power to the people once they have taken it away. They see the masks as just one step in a plan to enslave humanity.
While there are some who believe the virus is a hoax, most people agree that it is a valid illness. There’s no question that the numbers that have been put out have been confusing at least, and often incorrect as well. This makes it hard for anyone to find solid ground on which to discuss the issue.
There are so many ways we can find to argue with and judge each other for not agreeing on our beliefs. We don’t recognize the same news sources. We resort to calling each other “blind sheep” or “conspiracy theorists”. Isn’t it time we go back to calling each other “brother” or “sister”, or even just “fellow human being”?
Fear drives both sides of the debate, but the source of the fear is not the same. Pro-mask people fear illness and death, either for themselves or for their loved ones. Anti-mask people fear a life of slavery and anarchy for themselves and their progeny. Pro-mask people are willing to give up their freedom for the possibility of saving a life. Anti-mask people are willing to risk their lives to save lives from slavery and anarchy, a fate worse than death itself.
No matter which side you stand on, there’s no call to treat others with disrespect. A little compassion goes a long way. Keep your distance from those you feel uncomfortable around. Don’t engage them in an argument or call them names. In all likelihood, they want the same thing you do – to go about their business unmolested.
Anti-maskers: Quit pointing and snickering at those you call “blind sheep”. Furthermore, refrain from feeding their fears by coughing, sneezing, or spitting at them purposely. That gives them a valid reason to dislike and want to disrespect you and others like you. Keep a reasonable distance away from them, having respect for their fear of you.
Pro-maskers: Quit pointing and snickering at those you call “conspiracy theorists” or “murderers”. Furthermore, keep your safe distance away and refrain from telling them you hope they die. Some people without masks simply cannot wear them for various reasons. Respect that.
We need to quit placing blame on anyone and spreading hate. If we start to respect each other we can learn to co-exist without stepping on each other’s beliefs.
I think we can all agree that the virus is here to stay. We’ve learned to live with every other virus and illness, many of which we may not even know exists until we or someone we love falls victim.
In the meantime, there are things we can and should do for ourselves and our fellow humans:
- Wash our hands with soap and water often.
- Contain our coughs and sneezes so they do not spray on people on things. (I mean, really, didn’t we already learn this in kindergarten? Elbows, people!!)
- Stay at home when you don’t feel good. Do everything possible to avoid infecting others in the same household. Keep them home when someone else is sick. Be extra vigilant about keeping surfaces wiped down.
- Keep a respectful distance from others when out and about taking care of business.
- Talk to your local stores about having separate hours so those from both sides can feel comfortable shopping. See if they have an option for curbside pickup if it makes you uncomfortable to shop around others who may not be able to wear a mask. It may also be helpful to note when their least busy hours are and shop during those times.
- Don’t bully store employees if you do not agree with the store’s policies and practices. Respectfully walk away if you can’t find a way to work with the request of the store. Then go home and call upper management to discuss your concerns. Perhaps they will find a way to accommodate you. Employees do not make the rules. They are only following orders in order to hold onto their jobs.
- Refuse to engage in an argument if someone attacks you. Ignore any hateful or unkind words or actions and go about your own business. It’s not easy, but it’s not worth the hassle. Try to understand that they act from a place of fear.
- Refrain from engaging in arguments on social media. If you post something controversial, expect to have comments from the other side. People will not change their minds based on arguments on social media.
- Have an open mind about the other side of the coin. There may be some truth to both sides, but without an open mind, neither will see it.
This world doesn’t have to be a horrible place. But it’s going to take us all being proactive rather than reactive, and it means we all have to be kind.
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