There’s a fact of life that people seem to disregard or pay no attention to until it comes to bite them directly in the backside. For every action we take or don’t take there are consequences. These are completely unavoidable. Sometimes the consequences are good. Sometimes they are not so favorable.
Every decision (or lack of a decision) brings consequences. Do I get out of bed? Or do I lay here all day long? What are the consequences of each? If I get out of bed do I take a shower or don’t I? Do I eat breakfast or don’t I? What do I wear? Or do I get dressed at all? What happens if I don’t go to work? Who will feel my family?
These seem like basic simple questions but in truth every since decision we make affects our life in a good or bad way. These are consequences of our actions or inactions. Basic questions may seem too simple for this example, but there are some people who even have trouble with THESE decisions.
Moving on into adulthood decisions become much harder to deal with. There are more dire consequences for whatever actions we choose to take. A good example is a young girl I know who was interested in a man of a different race. Her parents were strictly against them being together because of his race. She was at a crossroads in her life. Did she stick with the man she felt was her life and perhaps write off her parents from her life? Or did she stick with her parents and write off the man she felt was her life mate? No matter which direction she went there wasn’t a choice without loss.
There are times in our lives when our decisions are just this difficult. There are no easy answers to these decisions. We have to weigh each choice carefully and decide which of the results is the least harmful or painful for ourselves.
Decisions are difficult. For some people just making a decision is hard. They like to ride the fence waiting, hoping, that they can find the answer that has no consequence. Life doesn’t work that way.
Life itself is painful. Those pains teach us lessons. Hopefully we learn from the pain and find different ways to handle the same situations.
And in time, with luck and patience, maybe we will learn how to make decisions that have less painful consequences because we take the time to consider all the options and all the results of each option. There’s something to be said for spontaneity in the right places. Making decisions isn’t one of them.
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