Are you outspoken to others about your personal beliefs? Are you one of those people who feels you need to change the world by speaking out, speaking up and being loud and proud? You may want to rethink your approach. Unity rather than separation makes a difference.
As a “truther” as we are called in the general community, it can become overwhelming to look at everything there is to see that is being kept from us. There is so much deception. The government plots, the deep state, the hidden agendas. The poisoning of the people. The spiritual disinformation. The plot to keep us all separated and without unity. There are so many tentacles, so many tangents to go off on.
I notice this every once in a while when I get tangled up in a particular tentacle of this monster. I may start looking up healthy ways to combat high blood pressure, find some pages on herbs and health foods and lifestyle changes. Next thing you know I’m on a conspiracy page linking blood pressure medicines to a plot to poison the people, or big pharma making money off our suffering. Which carries off into a new tangent on Big Pharma and GMOs and Monsanto. Then this leads to Monsanto’s ties into the government and the Deep State. Which of course starts a new tangent on government corruption.
I’m sure I’m not the only one this happens to, but it’s frustrating because there are so many different roads to take and yet you just know they all belong to the same center, the same head. And that head is so protected, and shielded and hidden from general view. It’s a winding labyrinth to try to reach the deep center. And that center is probably a place nobody should go because it is based in the center of hell itself. And it serves to keep us all from unity and compassion toward each other.
You want the truth. You just want to live your life peacefully and easy, uninterrupted. Happily enjoying the friends and family around you. Sufficient food and clothing and shelter to keep your life healthy. Healthy work to keep your hands busy and head from being idle. A sense of commaraderie with those around you.
But that’s just what ‘they’ don’t want. They want us all separated. They want us all fighting over the little things. It’s frustrating to see people, friends, brothers, fighting and arguing over whether they should eat that GMO corn or not.
The only way we are going to get back to the life we all want is to stop fighting each other and start working together. This may be a radical concept for some. We’ve all been trained since we were little to stand up and fight for what is right. But the problem is that what is right for one may not be what is right for another, and ultimately, it may be that both can be right in different circumstances. So if neither is wrong, who is right?
Yes, I understand that if we do nothing, then evil wins. I get that. But I don’t think people realize that we are the little people. If I personally say something bad against Trump or Hillary neither of them are going to know or care. I am a little people. But my neighbor next door is going to hear and it’s going to separate us. They may decide not to mow my lawn because I don’t hold the same political view as him or her. If you must stand up against something, stand up against your political leaders personally. Storm your congressional leaders. Tell them how you feel. But love your neighbors.
If you really look at the basis of all of this it comes down to control. My neighbor would want to control MY beliefs. The same goes for religion and sexual orientation and race, and all the other things that people are discriminated against. Jesus didn’t say “I only love those who are white, straight, Catholic …” He said, “I love all people”.
I know I’m walking a thin line here, but this is how I see things. Even with the recent marches at the White House – did they accomplish anything really? They showed solidarity toward a cause, yes. But did they actually cause anything to happen? Or were they just there to say “Look at our numbers”?
It is my opinion, and my opinion only, that the government is going to do whatever they are going to do anyway. Even a large group of us ‘little people’ really have no effect on their plans. Rather, unity should start here at home. So you don’t like black, lesbian females because they go against your personal beliefs. Does that make them bleed any less red?
Are you more likely to “change” them with kindness or ignorance? Leading by example is always the best preacher. The problem is, it doesn’t happen overnight and we are all impatient people. We want to walk up to Jane Doe and say, ‘You are a black lesbian and that’s wrong. You need to change your ways right now.” and have them suddenly “see the light” and become a white married woman with 2.5 kids. That’s not going to happen.
What if suddenly NOBODY paid attention to the news. What if suddenly we all just went ahead and created our own little communities of solidarity. If my little town held a counsel and everyone at that meeting agreed that from now on we were brothers and sisters in blood. All for one and one for all.
The idea catches on and the next town over does that same thing. And these two towns become brothers, family. And this spreads throughout the county and then through the state of Wisconsin. A state of unity. It means putting aside ALL differences and loving each other as if he were a brother.
Who could come against us? Even the government would have a hard time coming against an entire state. But it has to start at the small level and that’s what people don’t want to see. If you want to see change, it has to start at home. Within your family, within your community.
If you ARE one of those “loud and proud” people, use your voice to create THIS reality. Start talking to your family and friends and neighbors. Start with those you know will jump on board and then approach those who might be riding the fence. As numbers grow you are more likely to even attract those who would otherwise be resistance. They want to “belong” too.
Unity starts at home … with you. Be that voice.
Here is a great video about loving your neighbor:
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