Have you ever reached a point in your journey when you just don’t think you can take one more step? Do you feel like you’ve exhausted all possibilities and your goal is just simply unattainable? Are you stuck inside your comfort zone afraid to cross the border?
I think we have all reached that point at some time in our lives. For most of us it was probably a weight loss goal. After a while we reach a plateau where the scale seems stuck and won’t go down. But, nothing seems to work. Diet, exercise all seem futile. Disappointment sets in.
Or perhaps we are struggling to get on our own two feet and every door we knock on is locked. Life seems impossible without a hand up and a little help. The simple act of living might seem unattainable. How long do you fight before you give up and give in?
These moments, however, are the moments that make or break us. Are you a warrior or a quitter? Do you throw your hands up in despair and stop trying? Or do you shake off the dust and wipe the dirt out of your eyes and start again?
Life can deal some bad hands and usually does one right after another. It’s not unusual to see tragedies strike in succession. It might be the washer leaking water everywhere, to a bad exhaust system on the vehicle, to a tree falling on the house, all in a short period of time. Life isn’t fair.
But, when you reach that plateau, or that last locked door, or the series of heart breaking events do you give up? Is this the moment when you say, “maybe it just wasn’t meant to be?” Or do you look adversity in the eye and say, “Up yours! I’m going to do this one way or another”.
Often to break through these barriers we need to push past our comfort zone. We have to do things that are scary, things we’ve never done before, things we never thought we could do. However, that first step is hard. The second step might be even harder.
But then, if we persist and continue, the steps become easier. We find a new confidence we never knew we had. We can pat ourselves on the back with pride because we faced a fear and overcame it.
Nothing worth having comes easy. It takes work, perseverance, time and patience. To achieve our goals we need to push past the fear, break down the locked doors, cross the plateau or do whatever else it may take. We need to keep going and not give up.
Life’s journey is hard and not without a lot of struggle and trial. We can slide by without goals or making our life worth anything. Or we can decide what to do and push through and do it.
Are you pushing past barriers? Or are you sliding through Life?
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