Do you immediately put someone out of your life for a mistake or, do you give them a second chance? Should everyone be allowed another chance, or is it one and done? I guess I’m a super lenient person, but I will always give someone a second chance. There is good in every one of…
Category: health
That Old Writer’s Bell
There have been a lot of different things I’ve wanted to write about in the last few weeks. I would see or hear something that triggered a writer’s bell in my head, but I couldn’t make time to flesh it out. I’ve been sick from the heat. I don’t do well when the thermometer goes…
What do you do when it feels like life is spinning out of control? How do you get back on track? Can you even recognize that it’s happening? It doesn’t take much. You can have your whole life all planned out and everything seems to be going as it should. Then things happen. Something doesn’t…
Scams, Spam and Facebook Sleuths
I’ve been trying to get out a post here for the last few weeks. It’s been on my “to-do” list every day. But, each night I couldn’t cross it off. Today I decided it had to be a priority. I’m taking a break from fighting scams. Lately, scams consume my life. It all started when…
Boundaries and Social Media
In the past few days, I’ve had conversations with different people about boundaries. It made me realize how many people don’t know how to set or maintain healthy boundaries. (Or even realize they have a right to set them!) I feel that learning to set boundaries should be actively taught when children are young. However,…
Don’t Leave! I Have Abandonment Issues!
Have you ever found yourself in a panic when you are afraid of losing someone from your life? Do you get sick, perhaps physically, after a fight or a breakup with someone you felt close to? Has a friend or partner ever suggested you might be too clingy? Do you have problems letting go of…
Throughout our life we find ourselves making comparisons between our lives and others. This is normal human behavior. We can use the comparison in a healthy way or a harmful one. As a child, we usually have a few idols. In most cases, one or both of our parents are our first idols. And as…
The Rope Of Our Lives
A recent breakup in my life made me realize that life is like a rope. Each different strand of the rope adds to the strength of the whole. Just as each area of our life makes it all complete. This last week I had to close the door on a special friendship I never thought…
Who’s In Your Mirror?
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Are you happy with the reflection that appears? Or do you see only flaws and imperfections? If you are only seeing negatives, it’s time for some deep conversation with your inner self. None of us are completely imperfect, just as nobody can claim perfection. What…
Where Did You Get That Glow?
In response to my recent posts and social media activity, a dear friend reached out just to say she noticed my “glow”. I hadn’t paid attention to it myself. But, after she told me that I glow, I looked back at recent pictures. She’s correct. There does appear to be a radiance emanating from me….