Society as a whole has come a very long way from the days of horse and buggies. We have made our world smaller. As technology progressed we were able to talk to people miles away, then countries away. With fax, then internet and email we can complete paperwork for business deals in a matter of…
Category: Lifestyle
Take a Gratitude Journey With Me in 2025
I’m going to start a gratitude journal. As I’ve mentioned previously, I don’t do resolutions anymore because I’m horrible about keeping them. By the end of January I’ve usually fallen off the wagon. So I won’t call this a resolution, but a goal. I want to focus on gratitude and happiness in 2025 Since I…
As We Reflect on 2024 …
At the end of a year, many of us reflect on the passing year. In a couple of days, we will be switching our calendars to a new year. 2024 will be behind us. I keep a daily log which I can peruse at the close of December. It shows the highlights of each day…
My Christmas Wish 2024
In about a week it will be Christmas. Are you ready for it? Have you made a Christmas wish? Perhaps it depends upon what Christmas means to you. Many people love Christmas and all that it brings: Extra love and generosity shown to those who are in need; A feeling of expectation; Once a year…
“If You Loved Me You Wouldn’t Have …”
“If you loved me you wouldn’t have …” It’s so easy to say those words when you are hurt. A partner did something you never thought they could do to you. Your heart is torn apart and you lash out at them with those words. “How could you do that if you loved me?” There…
My Hallway of Memories
I have a work room upstairs where I write, paint, dream and store tidbits of memories from my life. Cleaning the room is like walking down a hallway of memories. I’m 54 years old and there are decades of little tidbits I’ve collected. And since I’ve been a writer my whole life, there are many…
My apologies to anyone who tried to access the site within the last week. I changed hosting companies and we were in the process of switching over. But, I’M BACK! Look forward to more of my thoughts and ponderings 🙂 As always you can contact me at for suggestions and ideas or reactions.
Conversations Are A Two Lane Road
Conversations are a two lane road. You encounter thoughts coming at you and you expel your own thoughts by way of words and sentences. Unfortunately, lately it seems that conversations are expected to be a one-way street. We want to share our thoughts and get our points across, but we aren’t open to listening to…
Apology Accepted — And Required
I saw a meme on Facebook that said, “Women aren’t that difficult. If you made a mistake, tell her you’re sorry. If she made a mistake, tell her you’re sorry.” Men will laugh and agree. Women will laugh and half of them will agree as well. The truth is that an apology goes a long…
Spreading Peace from Hatred?
How can you spread peace if you have hatred in your heart? “Someone shot Donald Trump!” “No, he wasn’t. It was staged.” “It’s too bad the shooter missed.” “I’m so upset this morning.” THIS is the only comment that everyone can agree on. They can’t agree WHY they are upset, but they are upset. Some…