It’s Christmas Day in Wisconsin. This should bring visions of snow and ice on the ground, cold temperatures of nearly 20 degrees, winds blowing through bare branches of trees, and gloomy, gray days. Well, we have the gloomy, gray day but that’s the only thing that matches the typical vision. The ground today is muddy…
Category: Lifestyle
An Instrument Of Peace
“Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.” Thus starts the peace prayer of St. Francis. It’s a simple prayer but, how it is needed in the world in which we currently live. You don’t have to be a praying person to benefit from the prayer for peace. Reading it and living it is enough….
What Does “Support System” Mean?
As I was perusing Facebook the other day, I saw a meme that seemed particularly meaningful. It said, “Your support system should never gossip about you.” I wonder how many people realize what this means. “Support system” means those people who you count on to be there when you need someone to understand you. They…
Check Your Sense of Humor
No, I haven’t changed. I’m just speaking up. I’ve never found humor in making fun of other people, no matter how innocent it seems. I can’t laugh at someone else’s embarrassment. Because, at one time, that was me. A simple misunderstanding and people laugh. Or, a cruel joke by someone who thought it was funny…
2023 Is The Year I Blinked
Usually, I don’t do a review of a year until December. But I just reviewed 2023 because it feels like I blinked, and it’s over. I looked over my daily log, and things that happened just a month or so feel like they were from last year. So much has happened in such a short…
A Second Chance
Do you immediately put someone out of your life for a mistake or, do you give them a second chance? Should everyone be allowed another chance, or is it one and done? I guess I’m a super lenient person, but I will always give someone a second chance. There is good in every one of…
That Old Writer’s Bell
There have been a lot of different things I’ve wanted to write about in the last few weeks. I would see or hear something that triggered a writer’s bell in my head, but I couldn’t make time to flesh it out. I’ve been sick from the heat. I don’t do well when the thermometer goes…
What do you do when it feels like life is spinning out of control? How do you get back on track? Can you even recognize that it’s happening? It doesn’t take much. You can have your whole life all planned out and everything seems to be going as it should. Then things happen. Something doesn’t…
Our Heart Has No On / Off Switch
Why do people feel it’s OK to judge someone for their feelings? Feelings are uncontrollable. We can try to squash them down and pretend they don’t exist. Feelings can be ignored for a while. But, they are not something we have any control over. There is no off switch. If someone hurts our feelings, we…
People Come. People Go. And It’s OK
Today is April 24, 2023. It’s Spring in Wisconsin. The sun is out but it’s still cool. It’s one of those days when I have so much to do but I can’t seem to organize myself into actually doing something. I’ve been trying to get a post written for over a week now, but I…