I’ve been trying to get out a post here for the last few weeks. It’s been on my “to-do” list every day. But, each night I couldn’t cross it off. Today I decided it had to be a priority. I’m taking a break from fighting scams. Lately, scams consume my life. It all started when…
Category: Lifestyle
Spring Is On Its Way
Spring is finally starting to arrive in Wisconsin. We’ve had a taste of 40-degree days only to get hit with 13” of snow and ice storms. It feels like a slap in the face after the promise of warmer weather. I was just starting to see the ground where my roses are. There was still…
Are You Standing Up?
It’s been a few days since I had a chance to sit down and write. Life has been busier than I would like. Ideas for posts crossed my mind in those busy moments. But, then I lost them before I had a chance to jot down a note. Today, though, I want to write about…
Brilliant Flashes of Thoughts
Throughout the days of my life, occasionally I get flashes of brilliant thought. Once in a while, I write them down to remember them. Other times I hope I’ll remember them, but I often forget them. But today, I want to share just the randomness of some of these thoughts. They may be brilliant little…
2022 Is In The Books
It’s the end of 2022! Finally, the end of the year again. Usually, I have my last post of the year published before the last day of the year. This year I’m running behind schedule. To say 2022 has been an unusual year would be a severe understatement. I can’t say anything has been “life…
Where Are You, Christmas?
Christmas isn’t just a holiday. Christmas is a living, breathing emotion. But, as such, it’s dying. There has always been a special feeling around Christmas time. People were friendlier, kinder, and more generous around the holiday season. There was a different feeling in the air, and it wasn’t from the cooler temperatures. Originally, Christmas was…
Boundaries and Social Media
In the past few days, I’ve had conversations with different people about boundaries. It made me realize how many people don’t know how to set or maintain healthy boundaries. (Or even realize they have a right to set them!) I feel that learning to set boundaries should be actively taught when children are young. However,…
Don’t Leave! I Have Abandonment Issues!
Have you ever found yourself in a panic when you are afraid of losing someone from your life? Do you get sick, perhaps physically, after a fight or a breakup with someone you felt close to? Has a friend or partner ever suggested you might be too clingy? Do you have problems letting go of…
Who Is Your Enemy? (Division in America)
Who is your enemy? How do you define the enemy? I think as a nation we need to answer these questions and reevaluate ourselves as a country. We call ourselves the “United” States of America, but it feels like those words are empty now. As an empath, I can feel the emotions of not only…
Throughout our life we find ourselves making comparisons between our lives and others. This is normal human behavior. We can use the comparison in a healthy way or a harmful one. As a child, we usually have a few idols. In most cases, one or both of our parents are our first idols. And as…