At the end of a year, many of us reflect on the passing year. In a couple of days, we will be switching our calendars to a new year. 2024 will be behind us. I keep a daily log which I can peruse at the close of December. It shows the highlights of each day…
Category: Uncategorized
My Hallway of Memories
I have a work room upstairs where I write, paint, dream and store tidbits of memories from my life. Cleaning the room is like walking down a hallway of memories. I’m 54 years old and there are decades of little tidbits I’ve collected. And since I’ve been a writer my whole life, there are many…
Conversations Are A Two Lane Road
Conversations are a two lane road. You encounter thoughts coming at you and you expel your own thoughts by way of words and sentences. Unfortunately, lately it seems that conversations are expected to be a one-way street. We want to share our thoughts and get our points across, but we aren’t open to listening to…
Spreading Peace from Hatred?
How can you spread peace if you have hatred in your heart? “Someone shot Donald Trump!” “No, he wasn’t. It was staged.” “It’s too bad the shooter missed.” “I’m so upset this morning.” THIS is the only comment that everyone can agree on. They can’t agree WHY they are upset, but they are upset. Some…
A Day In The Life Of A Scam Chaser
People know that I am a scam chaser, but they don’t know what that entails. So, with this post I hope to enlighten everyone on what it all takes to try to save people from the insidious scams that are a plague on social media. I don’t chase scams every day. I would if there…
Facebook Groups For Adoption And Rehoming Are SCAMS
By now if you’ve been on Facebook for any length of time you’ve seen links to dog groups for adoption or rehoming. Or, if they weren’t groups for dogs they may have been groups dedicated to some other animal. THESE ARE RUN BY SCAMMERS. I have tried numerous times to post an educational post about…
Time – Where Have You Gone?
I feel that I am obsessed with the concept of time this year. Scientifically, it is measured with a watch, and separated into labeled sections such as hours or days. But, it feels relatively different to each person and situation without a timepiece. Time lost can never be replaced. You may be able to repeat…
GET OUT OF HERE 2023! Let’s Welcome 2024
Well, I can only hope 2024 is better than 2023 was. I’m not the only one who said this year pretty much sucked. While looking through the highlights of each month, it was hard to find anything positive, but there sure were a lot of negatives. In 2023, I experienced the deaths of more than…
Merry Muddy Christmas From Wisconsin
It’s Christmas Day in Wisconsin. This should bring visions of snow and ice on the ground, cold temperatures of nearly 20 degrees, winds blowing through bare branches of trees, and gloomy, gray days. Well, we have the gloomy, gray day but that’s the only thing that matches the typical vision. The ground today is muddy…
People Come. People Go. And It’s OK
Today is April 24, 2023. It’s Spring in Wisconsin. The sun is out but it’s still cool. It’s one of those days when I have so much to do but I can’t seem to organize myself into actually doing something. I’ve been trying to get a post written for over a week now, but I…