We’ve all heard the expression that money is the root of all evil. But how many of us have sat long enough to consider what it means? How can money be so evil? I hadn’t thought much about it myself. Struggling with money issues has caused me to see it as an enemy. Money has…
Category: Uncategorized
Deeply Frozen
Brrr! As I type these words, the temperature outside my door is -21 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill of -50. Everywhere around me is frozen solid. Frostbitten skin freezes and turns black in a matter of minutes. It’s not just cold. It’s frigid. The word “frigid” also is used to describe a person who…
Are You Living Your Truth
Are you living the life you were intended to live? Do you feel that your life is running along as it’s supposed to? Are you living your truth? Many people these days are living a lie in one way or another. Lately, it seems, we need to tiptoe around everyone else’s feelings. If we are…
Self-Blame Is Quicksand
I have friends who have been or are still in prison. Unfortunately, upon being incarcerated, they lost friends and family. While I do not condone the actions they were locked up for, I still consider them important to me. For this reason, I write letters to bring them help and comfort. One of the common…
It’s The Little Things
Twice within the same week, while talking to different friends, there was a discussion on the importance of little things. It’s easy to take the little things in our lives for granted because they aren’t eye-opening. They don’t set the world on fire or make someone sit up and take notice. Little things are important…
But Did You Listen?
You were staring directly into my eyes when I told you about my latest writing project. Later, when I asked you a question about it, you looked at me as if I had grown a second nose on my face. Didn’t you listen? As each year passes by, life seems to grow more hectic. We…
Smile And Touch The People
Ours has become a crazy, cruel world. Selfish narcissism seems to be the norm. Kindness and generosity are rare treasures. Or are they? We read about all the bad things and hear about them on the news. If we based our opinion of people and the entire world on the news we might have a…
For Better Or Worse People Change
Appearances change. Sometimes personalities and friendships do too. Within this last year, I have caught up with people from my past that I haven’t seen in many years. Different circumstances caused us to drift apart and lose touch. We each followed individual paths. Life went on separately. Reunions can be joyous occasions. Or, they can…
Judging The Poor Is Shameful
Social media can be hard to peruse as an empath. You can only shield so much negativity from your eyes and heart. All too often it shows up to cause pain. Living in an area where many live in poverty, there are moments I have to walk away from my social media feeds. There is…
Too Lazy To Set Goals?
2019 is here! It’s a new year and another chance for a new you. The energy of the new year is always full of hope, anticipation, and ambition. We believe we can do anything we have a mind to do. Writing resolutions is fun! Optimistically we are certain THIS is the year we will achieve…