Today I am sitting here at my best friend’s house with heaviness in my heart. Usually our visits are filled with laughter, fun and lots of memories. But this week, her oldest dog, Sophie, is preparing to cross over the rainbow bridge. Sophie is a beautiful Jack Russell Terrier dog with expressive eyes and a…
Category: Uncategorized
Another Song For My Funeral
Last week, I went to a speaking event in a nearby town to listen to survivors of abuse tell their stories. While the details were different, there was a similar thread running through them all. They struggled, they fought, and they didn’t give up. However, one survivor said something that struck a chord with me:…
The Importance in Validating Feelings
Last week found me sobbing because I was unable to catch a puppy. My feelings had bubbled to the surface and were erupting. Logically, I understood that running away is what puppies naturally do. Ginger Snap was eluding capture and investigating everything. However, that was merely the breaking point. My husband did not understand why…
Night Magic
When evening ends, and it becomes night, there’s a new sort of magic that fills the air. Society slows down to a crawl, silence begins to cloak the world, and it’s time for relaxation. While many people are seeking the comfort of their beds those of us who are night crawlers begin our productivity. Laptop…
“All My Fault”
“It’s your own fault!” “No!” she screamed. “Stop! You’re hurting me!” She ran into the bedroom to try to close the door but he was already there, foot in the way. He pushed his way through the entrance and threw her on the bed. Looking at her in disgust, he grabbed the jewelry box off…
Are You Lonesome Tonight?
As a writer I recognize the importance of using the correct word to get an idea across. While some words seem to mean the same thing, the emotional responses to each may be worlds apart. My English teacher in high school taught the lesson to me while he read some of the poetry I wrote….
A Visit To The Past
Sitting at the kitchen table in front of the laptop, she squints as if it hurts her eyes to think. A million thoughts run around her mind making no sense. Everything is connected in a bigger picture but all she can see are the separate elements with no strings attached. Memories of the past swim…
The Dark Place
It’s out there. Just sitting quietly waiting for me. I can hear it calling my name seductively. A black hole of despair and hopelessness, I call it The Dark Place. There probably are other names as well, just as there are many other victims aware of the place. Sometimes I see it as a deep,…
Graduation Of A Journal
Writers can’t help but write. It’s in our blood. They often say it’s ink rather than blood running through our veins. At a young age we begin writing in a journal. At first our journal may only be a few sentences describing a personal observation we made. In those early years our vocabulary is not…
Readers Are Reasons For Writing
My blog topics have been all over the road lately. Faithful readers checking in every Monday and Thursday morning never know what they will find when the blog automatically publishes. When I began this blog I wasn’t sure what direction it was going to take. There wasn’t really a target audience other than writers, women…