One of the things that victims of emotional abuse and neglect suffer with is low self-esteem. This brings with it a feeling of never being good enough. Abandonment issues come to the surface many times in the life of these victims. They can quickly bring us from being in the light to that very dark…
Category: Uncategorized
Soul Changes
Last year in April I wrote about how I felt there were some big changes in the air. (Changes) Unsure exactly what those changes were I felt them in the depths of my soul. Intuitively I understood these were the kinds of changes that alter life. When I wrote that I had just begun a…
Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone!
Have you ever reached a point in your journey when you just don’t think you can take one more step? Do you feel like you’ve exhausted all possibilities and your goal is just simply unattainable? Are you stuck inside your comfort zone afraid to cross the border? I think we have all reached that point…
Would You Claim Your Own Words?
We think the children don’t listen when we speak. We talk at them and they ignore us as if we are mute. Frustration sets in and we may try raising our voices to them, with no change in reaction. Children are more aware of our words than we think. We may think they are too…
Who Do You Influence?
When you were a kid, did your parents keep you away from certain friends because they were bad examples? Did they tell you they were a bad influence on you? Most likely they had a good reason to say what they did. The people around us have a strong influence on our thoughts and actions….
Writer, Empath, Woman Inspired
Since I have begun this blog people from all walks of life have meandered in, taken a walk around and read from the pages showing the inner workings of my mind. Some of them have been inspired by my willingness to be open. Others have indicated they have been inspired to action by some of…
“I Just Don’t Understand …”
How many times do you read something in the paper and find yourself saying, “I can’t understand how …” or “Why would someone do such a thing?” As we read things like this in the paper we feel sick to our stomach. As an empath it can be even worse because we can actually feel…
Judging Hidden Secrets
We always think we know people based upon our experiences with them in our lives. We decide whether we like or don’t like them by the behaviors they exhibit around us, whether it be in a very public place, in a small group of friends, or even just on a one-on-one basis. Even our own…
Normal Isn’t Always Right
One of the things I have noticed as I grow older is my ever-increasing resistance to change. In my 48 years on this earth, there are routines I have developed. I have preferences for certain things and a very noticeable dislike for others. Of course, I am not alone in this. As humans, we are…
Revisiting the Narcissistic Mother
Last April (2017) I wrote a rather controversial post entitled How Can You Be So Cruel To Your (Narcissist) Mother?. To date it has been my most popular post on this blog. At the time of the writing I was working on dealing with some long standing emotional issues with my mother. I had learned…