Oh, the things you learn when you look back at the diary entries of your past! Things you’ve written about take on an entirely new perspective through the eyes of an adult. This last week I’ve gone back to diaries I wrote when I was in high school and just out of school. So many…
Category: Uncategorized
Goodbye Baby Boy
People who do not have “furbabies” think we are crazy. They shake their head in wonderment when I speak to my “children” as if they are human. When I put a hand crocheted sweater on Cookie in the winter to take her for a ride they roll their eyes. When I talk to Bandit like…
American Pride Returns To The Parade
As I write this it is Independence Day here in the United States. We often celebrate with a parade, fireworks and lunch hot off the grill. Everywhere around are decorations of red, white and blue. Special outfits are designed exclusively for this one day of the year. National pride flows strongly on this day. However,…
Pssst. Wanna Hear A Secret?
“Psst. Wanna know a secret? You can’t tell anyone…” How often have you heard this from someone? The feeling of intimacy with another in sharing hidden knowledge is addicting. There is a sense of belonging. There is also a certain responsibility. A secret is meant to remain just that — secret. When we share hidden…
Of Course It’s Not Abuse!
(This is a re-post of a previously published post. It was written for more than one person in my life. There have been a few abused women I have known. Not all of these women realized they were being abused. It was the life they were accustomed to and had grown used to. It was…
Empaths: Have You Absorbed Too Much Energy?
If you are following this blog because you are an empath you will already understand what this is about. For those who do not know, an empath is someone who is sensitive to energies other people cannot feel. Often times it is the emotional energy of others. People are generally drawn to empaths because they…
Call Me Survivor
Since I began this blog a year ago, there have been a few people who have expressed amazement at my courage to speak my truth. Yet, I don’t see it as being courageous. For me, this blog and all I speak of within it are my truth. They are my life, past and present. These…
The Independent Dependent
I pride myself on being an independent person. I do not trust others so I rely on them as little as possible. It is not beneath me to go without something rather than ask someone else for help if it is impossible for me. In fact, I would probably consider myself stubbornly independent (and my…
Is Your Relationship Killing Your Dreams?
How do you walk away from someone you know isn’t good for you? When do you finally decide you have had enough hurt? At what point is it time to give up all hope? Is your relationship causing you pain? Anyone with a healthy self-esteem will know by the fact that their partner doesn’t respect…
Timing Matters! Show Your Pride Today
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I have not been on speaking terms with my mother for quite a long time. Also, I have been open about the fact that I am on a road to healing a lot of emotional wounds created in my childhood. It is not with pride that I…