Healing from emotional wounds is a never-ending journey. There are many twists and turns along the way. Thorns and obstacles cross our path. Unexpected potholes to impede our progress appear time and again. Diligently we continue on forward. How do you know when you have reached your destination? When can you say that you are…
Category: Uncategorized
Respect Is A Lost Virtue
If I had to pin down what I think is wrong with people these days, I would have a quick answer. People have lost the virtue of respect. By definition, to respect is to act in a way which shows that you are aware of (someone’s rights, wishes, etc.) Today there is no respect for…
Dear Diary: Expectations Do Not Equal Reality
Dear Diary, Two months ago I made a huge lifestyle change for my health. Walking away from a job I held for over 17 years, I gave up stability and routine, schedules and pain. As I left, I found I created some expectations of how my new life would be. In my head I had…
Intuition: The Telly In Your Belly
Recently I had a friend tell me he would like me to meet someone to get a feel for them. I smiled because I knew what he meant in asking that. Until I told him about being an empath, he was amazed at how well I could pick up on people within minutes of being…
Do You Have Style?
What does your writing say about you? If you read different authors you can start to get a feel about the person behind the words. Every writer has their own style, or voice. Sometimes it’s in the choice of words. Other times it may show through the tone or emotion you feel when you read…
Spring Isn’t Always About Flowers
Anyone who knows me knows I love my flowers, especially roses. Something within my soul connects with the blooming beauties. The season of Spring erases the dull ache of Winter with gorgeous blossoms to engage our senses. Vibrant reds, violets, yellows and greens replace lackluster browns and grays. One day everything is asleep, and the…
I Can’t Blame HIM! He’s Dead!
These last few years, I have been working through a lot of issues stemming from my childhood. Being raised in a particular manner you don’t know anything different. You are unable to see anything wrong. Now, as an adult, I recognize that some things were harmful to me as a child. It has become apparent…
Wow! It’s Been Over A Year
On March 13, 2017 I published my first post on this blog. I had started blogs in the past, but I could never seem to follow through with them. For one reason or another they fell by the wayside. I lost interest, or I was too busy to keep a regular schedule. Days turned into…
The Day I Started To Sing Again
There is a certain quality about music that touches a human body in many ways. Sometimes the music will calm the soul and bring a feeling of peace. Other times the music will incite one to anger and rage. Or, perhaps the music encourages us to break out into song. As I was traveling to…
Exorcise That Critic Within
Are there little voices speaking to you within yourself? Do you listen to the inner voices? Have you given them names? Is one helpful and one a critic? I like to think there are two voices within me. One of them is my intuition and the voice I must pay attention to. The other voice…