Thursday March 29, 2018 Dear Diary, Today starts a new stage of life for me. The place that served almost as a second home to me for the last seventeen plus years is no longer home. I severed ties yesterday because of the physical pain it was causing me. I quit my factory job yesterday….
Category: Uncategorized
Sticky Notes Everywhere
There are sticky notes all over my kitchen and my office. There are different colors, different sizes and different colored inks written on them. I spend a lot of time between my kitchen table and my studio office. When a thought strikes me that I don’t want to lose I throw it on a sticky…
Do You Hunt for Truth?
Do you believe everything you see on social media? As you are scrolling through your daily feed do you question some of the things that are posted? Do you follow a story through to the original source to get to the truth facts? Three times this week alone on one of my feeds there were…
Lose The Labels!
When do adjectives become labels? Why do we group people by collective adjectives instead of seeing them as just another human being? Maybe I’m being a bit sensitive. Maybe being sick has made me a little less patient to deal with certain things, but I found myself getting annoyed this week. I try to avoid…
Sorry For the Silence… Bronchitis calls
I must apologize to my faithful followers for the absence on Monday. (3/12/18) Every year during the transition from Winter to Spring I fall prey to bronchitis. Also each year I hope it doesn’t attack me. For the last ten year I haven’t been lucky and it has paid an annual visit. In previous years…
The End of Innocence
It’s a different world out there these days. It’s a much different world than when I was a young girl. Even taking into consideration that I was a sheltered child, this is still a much different world. Innocence is lost at a very young age. When I was six or seven years old I was…
Sounds of Silence
How many of us take the time to try to find silence in this crazy world? From the time we wake until we lay our heads down again noise invades our world. Life itself is noisy. If you have children, noise is unavoidable. Pets can be so insistent as well if they want something. And…
What’s Happening To Our Children?
Lately I’ve noticed something rather disturbing as I peruse the feed of my social media. It seems every day there are posts about missing children. I’m not talking about Amber Alerts, although there certainly are some of those. I’m talking about children disappearing. These posts are impassioned pleas from family members, guardians and close friends…
Media Is Poisoning You
Do you find yourself feeling more depressed and upset and angrier than normal? Does this happen to you more often when you watch the news media? Are things looking so bleak you don’t want to live anymore? You aren’t alone. More and more I’ve seen evidence of this in those around me. The world picture…
Happy Birthday Shell 2018
Today is my birthday. Officially today I am 48 years old. Or 48 years young if you prefer to say it that way. In most cases it’s just another day. The routine will be the same as any other day. What will be different will be my thoughts. Generally on my birthday I tend to…