Just because someone says “It’s in the Bible” doesn’t mean they know what they are doing, or that they are correct. My husband was watching an episode of the old Western TV show “Gunsmoke” today. Marshall Dillon found a teenage girl with a newborn baby hiding in a cave. Her father sent her away to…
Category: Uncategorized
The Honest Writer is Lonely
Sometimes being a writer can be a lonely life, especially if you are an honest writer. Your words and opinions can cause you to feel alienated from friends and family. In direct conversation you can be more cautious about the things you say around certain people. If you know politics is a hot button for…
The White Goose
I had a dream a few months ago about a white goose. I loved this crazy honking goose. It seemed it was dear to my heart. In the dream I went outside and there were animals resembling dogs or wolves threatening the goose. I called to the goose to come to me, that I would…
Smell The Roses
I have 27 roses in my front yard. I am not sure why I have lately been obsessed with roses but I feel drawn to them. They call to me and over the last three years my husband has been wonderful about patronizing me. As we went shopping and found the plants we wanted he…
Rules or Responsibilities?
Are you a rule breaker or do you follow them to the letter? Do you blindly accept that rules are made for your protection or do you believe that rules are meant to be broken? Maybe you are one who walks the middle ground, who has respect for rules as long as they aren’t unreasonable….
Writer, Why Do You Write?
Why does a writer write? Why does anyone write? I have friends who cringe at the thought of writing an essay or any kind of paper. These people have been out of school for years and the thought of writing still terrifies them. But I, on the other hand, love the idea of writing essays…
Escape! GET OUT NOW!
Someone asked me if I am obsessed with narcissism because I write about it frequently. It is not my obsession, but I am, however, very aware of it. In my life this mental disease afflicted multiple people around me including a parent. In writing about it, I hope to open the eyes of others who…
An Empath On Independence Day
July 4th is a day of celebration in the United States. Patriotism flows as freely as a river from city to city, honoring our independence from Great Britain. Throughout the nation there are cookouts, parades and fireworks. Traditional cookouts are fun. Hot dogs, brats and hamburgers sizzle on a grill while salads and desserts wait…
Dare To Be Different
Do you follow the crowd, the fashion trends, the public opinions of social media? Is blending in with those around you a priority? Do you feel a need to belong? Or do you step back and allow yourself your own thoughts? Can you allow yourself to be different? Are you a free-thinker? It seems there…
Choose Your Friends Wisely
Who are you? No, I don’t mean your name, your nationality, or your job description. I mean who are YOU? The real YOU? How many of us know our real selves? How many of us actually SHOW our real selves? Are you yourself or a mirror of your friends? Do you choose your friends based…