George is still alive! For those who saw a previous post called “Please Don’t Kill George!” I am happy to report that so far George is still alive. Cookie has not hurt him yet, but not for lack of desire! If Cookie could sink her teeth into George she would happily do so. Then she would…
Category: Uncategorized
Angry Red Lines
A fresh red line runs down a creamy white runway. Straight. Clean. Pure. Bright scarlet is a stark contrast to the soft pink flesh. Moving the blade just a little to the right another line bursts forth. Red, the color of pain. Red violates the purity of the skin that surrounds it. The blade catches…
Channeling Collective Emotions
In December 2015, at Christmas time, I understood a little more how the mood of the general public, the collective, can affect an empath. My best friend Kristie is also an empath. She is afflicted with Sarcoidosis, which is ultimately a terminal illness. She had written up a bucket list of things to experience before…
Ink Spots – The Mark Of The Writer
There is faded green ink on my left index finger. I don’t know how long it’s been there. I can’t remember how long ago I used a green pen. Near the bottom seam of my salmon colored tee shirt is a smudge of black ink. The skin just inside the top of the shirt has…
No Happy Mother’s Day
First of all to those of you out there who are good mothers and who have good mothers, I want to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day. As for me … I hate Mother’s Day. I know that sounds harsh and bitter and angry. But I’m not mincing words. It’s how I feel. I have…
(Photo Credit: Jeremy Kruchten) In June 2012 I lost my mind. Well, OK, maybe that’s a little dramatic, but really not too far from my reality. I thought I had lost a special friend forever. Circumstances in our lives made it impossible to see each other. I was crushed. He was the one friend I…
Dear Abuser …
Hey you… yeah YOU! The one who claimed to love me. The one who just called me a bitch because I forgot to set out a pair of socks with the clothes you wanted me to lay out for you. The one who is too damn lazy and controlling to even be responsible for his…
Doesn’t EVERYONE Do This?
Discovering that I am an empath has also led to realizing that some things that I took for granted as part of being human are not normal for people without empathic gifts.. I always assumed everyone felt the same things I did. That the crazy emotions were normal for everyone. A good example is the…
(Photo Credit: Donna Morris) JUST STOP ALREADY! Seriously, why am I crying now? I have no reason for these tears. I’ve checked in with the friends I am deeply connected to and they are all fine. I love my dog, I don’t deny, but there’s something wrong when I cry before I go to work…
Time for Self Love
Another late night in the recliner. It was a wasted day as far as getting anything productive done. Well, I did get the dishes done so that counts for something. Mostly I read, and I slept and I relaxed. And I’m OK with that. It was self love. I promised myself this weekend would be…