“How can you be so cruel to your mother?” I have heard that so many different times in my life. Until I realized my mother is a narcissist it always had the desired response – it made me feel guilty for not loving my mother and treating her how mothers are supposed to be treated….
Category: Uncategorized
To Be Grateful …
What if one day you woke up and you couldn’t walk. Or it hurt to breathe? Or to eat. What changes would you make to your life? What if it didn’t happen overnight, but rather subtly over time? What if your mobility gradually became less and less? Sneaking up on you like a stalker in…
(Photo credit: Donna Morris) Confusion reigns supreme here sometimes. I know my blog posts are all over the place as far as content goes. Writing. Empathy. Abuse. Animals. Work. Time. There will probably be many more different topics. What they have in common is me. They are all important to my life, important enough for…
11:30 ALREADY?
The shrill electronic version of a rooster crowing invaded my slumber. With barely an eye open I silenced it and moaned. I’m still tired. I need more sleep. There’s a writing seminar online I want to take advantage of. I have to schedule that 90 minutes into my day. So at 11:30 my day officially…
Happy and Blessed Easter
Easter has been a special time of year for me. It lands in the spring, the season of rebirth and hope. The grass is beginning to sprout. The long winter is finally coming to an end. Depression lifts. The sun shines again and brings a new warmth to the ground. Lakes and rivers swell with…
Whose Tears Are These?
(Photo credit: Jeremy Kruchten) Imagine a beautiful sunny summer day. The temperature is warm and comfortable. You’re driving with the window down singing lustily along with the cheery song on the radio on the way to pick up a few groceries for the house. In your minds eye, picture a line of cars with…
Write To Life
I’ve been a writer my whole life. From an early age, I loved to write. I can still recall the first poem I ever wrote when I was in second grade. It was for a school assignment but it ignited a fire in me that nothing can quench. It read: There was some red In…
Healing Through Writing
These last two Saturdays I attended a writing workshop held by a friend I just met. The workshop was called “Self Discovery: Healing Through Writing”. It was a first for me. So many times I’ve seen workshops and seminars and things I would like to attend for the knowledge and the networking and I never…
Epsom Salt Baths Heal The Soul
Epsom salts are known for helping with joint pain. They also have other healing properties if you are an empath. It’s been a hard rough week for me. Arthritis pain has been running at a higher level than I’m prepared to deal with on a daily basis. I’ve had a ninety-minute writing seminar online every…
The Journey To The Empath Part 3
(Find the first part of my journey here.) Upon learning I am an empath I went into isolation for a while. I didn’t know who to trust. Finally, I reached out and gained a handful of people who gave me the support system I need. Ultimately, though, I had to figure out my life and…