Have you ever had those odd moments of clarity when suddenly you feel reality strike you in the heart? You may be peacefully sitting around minding your own business when suddenly a new awareness hits you. It isn’t necessarily something new that you become aware of. It may be something you’ve taken for granted for…
Category: Uncategorized
The Two Blog Writers
There are two writers for this blog. The first writer did the writing in the beginning when the blog was first born. The second writer took over this last year. When I started this blog in 2017, my purpose was to share my story and thoughts with the world, or as much of it as…
Closing the Casket on The Narcissistic Mother
This is a hard post to write, but I know I have to write it. It’s kind of like the period at the end of the sentence. Or the lid on a jar. It closes and seals. I’m closing the casket on my mother. A few years ago, I wrote a post about dealing with…
How Much Do You Value Independence?
When I was in therapy, one of the things we did was to determine what values I hold dearest. My most treasured value is “independence”. Perhaps it is the free spirit within me that will not be tamed. Maybe it’s because I have been disappointed too many times by people I thought would be there…
Therapy? Who Needs it! Not Me, I’m Fine!
Therapy? Nah. Not for me. I can handle things on my own. That was my attitude when people suggested I might try counseling. And for quite a few years there were those who said I needed it. Part of the problem was that I felt that counseling and therapy were only for those who had…
Could You Wear The Crown Of Thorns?
I’ve never been very good at meditation. My mind wanders so easily and strays from what I’m trying to meditate on. The other day when I was praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, my mind was anywhere but on the mysteries. So, after the prayers of the Rosary were said, I took some time…
Do You Have A Shopping Smile?
Do you like to go shopping or is it one of your least favorite chores? When the cupboards start to get bare, and the grocery list is as long as your arm, do you get excited and smile, or do you cringe in horror? Has your attitude changed in the last few years? If shopping…
Is It Time For a Social Media Break?
How many of us are addicted to our social media accounts? If someone took your phone and computer away for a week would you go insane, or would you be OK with not seeing what’s happening online? When you first got on social media, what was your purpose? Did you open accounts because everyone else…
The Power Of A Song
Have you ever experienced the power of a song? It might be just one of many songs that play on the radio station frequently. Yet that particular song at that particular moment strikes a chord within you on some level. Suddenly you are transported to a different place, a different time, perhaps even to a…
Why Is It So Hard To Ask For Help?
In my life right now there are different women trying to escape, move past, or recover from abusive relationships. They are all in different stages. One is trying to escape from her abuser. One is toggling back and forth between independence and going back to her abuser for help. And one is successfully free and…