Is it just me, or do you love to buy planners and organizers? Do you stand in front of the shelf with the calendars and planners looking at them all, wondering which one would work best for you? Do you buy more than one or just stick with one? I love to feel organized. In…
Category: Uncategorized
2021 Out You Go! Here Comes The New in 2022
It’s the final week of 2021 and we are heading into 2022! I had a different post written to publish for the end of the year, but after I had it all set to publish I still didn’t like it. It sounded too much like an outline of 12 months. There wasn’t a lot of…
Christmas Thoughts for 2021
Christmas thoughts fill our minds as another holiday season is upon us. Christmas changes for us with each passing year. When we were children, it was all about the lights and the presents, the magic and the mystery. As we sat on Santa’s lap, we told him what we wanted to find on Christmas morning,…
From Where Comes Your Strength?
I follow a good number of social media groups and pages dedicated to self-help, healing, abuse, narcissistic behaviors and similar topics. This morning, author Barb Schmidt had a post on Facebook that resonated with me. It labeled a master manipulator as someone who controls or influences others in a clever or unscrupulous manner. Anyone who…
Welcome Back Faithful Readers
Thank you to all who are still with me. You must be truly faithful readers to have stuck by me this long. The pictures above are me at various points between November 2020 and November 2021. I know everything looks different to you all. That’s because it is all different. We’ve made some major…
Personal Update August 2021
I’m Sorry It’s Been A While Dear faithful readers, I am so sorry it’s been so long since my last post. I really had hoped that having a tablet would make it easier to post more. However, it seems that WordPress and Elementor do not work well with mobile devices including tablets. Therefore, I couldn’t…
Tablet Writing Is a New Challenge
So, I’m embarking on a new experience. I have a tablet now to make life more convenient, but I’m not sure how long it will take for me to become more efficient with it. Typing on it is a bit of a challenge, but it also has a possible benefit. Once the tablet is more…
Pandemic — A Year Later
Last March, in 2020, the world was put on lockdown in fear of a virus that was sweeping through humanity. The virus, named Covid-19, was a variant of the same coronavirus which causes the common cold and influenza, but was a stronger, more virulent variant. Fear spread as rapidly as the virus did….
2020 What A Ride!
AS I type this, there is less than 24 hours remaining in 2020. I have a feeling most of us will be sitting at the edge of our seats at midnight making sure the year actually ends, and fearful some strange anomaly will appear to hold us hostage in 2020. I think we can all…
Holidays, Traditions, Disappointments and Hopes
Well, here we are at the end of 2020. Each month seemed to bring with it a new challenge to overcome. I think the biggest challenge this month is to find some kind of holiday spirit despite not being able to carry out holiday traditions. Radio stations are still playing songs for the holidays. My…