Dear readers, I feel bad. When I began this blog in 2017 with the help of my friend, Wes, it had a dual purpose. First and most importantly, it was a type of therapy for my emotional and mental health. Secondly, it was my voice to the world to share my views on life and…
Category: Uncategorized
Just A Quick Word
I would like to just drop a quick line to let everyone know I’m still here. The new changes to the site are confusing to me and I’m having trouble learning how to use the editor. I hope to get another post out to you before too long. Thank you, faithful readers!
Spud, The Unexpected Blessing
If you follow me on social media, you may have noticed my near-absence lately. For multiple reasons, I’m just not spending as much screen time as I had been. It’s been a while since I posted anything really personal, but today, I think I want to share with you my latest love. Last year, we…
To Mask Or Not To Mask
Understanding each other is crucial to being kind and compassionate, even if we agree to disagree. No matter how strongly we feel that those with opposing viewpoints are idiots, they still have reasons they feel as they do, just as we are entitled to our own opinions and beliefs. And this is also at the…
Governor’s Orders
There was fear in his eyes as I stood before him. It was a shame really. I didn’t want to do this, but it was now ordered by the governor. To be fair, he had tried to hide the fact he had no tattoo on his forehead with a large-brimmed hat. It was only his…
Do You Speak Your Mind?
Remember in high school, when there were the popular kids and the rest? If you didn’t wear the same type of clothes, or speak the same way, or frequent the same shops and restaurants, you were an outsider, a reject, unwanted and unloved. It was social suicide to be different and speak your mind. The…
Missed Opportunities
Last night, I set my alarm for 3:45 A.M. When it went off this morning, I was disoriented and felt a bit confused. Then, I recognized the sound and got up to put the coffee on. (We still use an old stove-top percolator. It makes the BEST coffee.) And I prepared to enjoy one of…
Pens, Notebooks and Journals! Oh My!
One of my dreams for a long time was to have a hobby room of my own. I wanted a quiet place to sequester myself and write undisturbed to my heart’s content. Or a place where I could let my creative artist out without fear of distractions. My dream room had pens, notebooks, journals, art…
Dear Diary: You Gotta Be Kidding Me!
Dear Diary: It’s June 3 in what was supposed to be MY year. I started out 2020 on a positive note, thinking I was going to make serious changes to my life this year. Things were going to start working out for me and I was going to get a handle on my health issues….
The Challenges of Being An Empath in May 2020
I’ve been wanting to put out another post for a couple of weeks now. It’s been almost a month since my last one. However, I’ve had a difficult time finishing whatever post I begin. Partly, the problem is the challenge of being an empath in May 2020. Being an empath these days has its difficulties…