Four months ago I published my last post here. It hardly seems possible to me that it’s only four months ago. It feels like an eternity. I guess it’s time for an update. Time feels different these days. Since I quit working early last year, it’s been difficult to create a new routine. I like…
Category: Uncategorized
Not So Pleasant News
Well folks, I haven’t had much opportunity to take advantage of this site being back up. The bad news is that tonight I will lose internet access at home. Having to file for SSDI has caused me some major financial issues. As many others know, the journey is long and overrun with obstacles and pitfalls….
Welcome Back My Friends
In February of this year, I thought I had written the last post I would be able to publish in this blog. Having to quit my job has left the coffers rather empty. It’s hard to justify paying $160 for a hosting fee for a blog when you need to pay a bill of higher…
Lent Isn’t Always About Loss
Christians all over the world are celebrating Ash Wednesday today (March 6) which marks the beginning of the Lenten season. Even non-Christians have an idea what Lent means. It is a season of sacrifice and suffering, a season for “giving up” something. As a child, I was encouraged to give up something I liked. Suggestions…
Are You Grateful For The Important Things?
Within the last year, my life has taken a turn down an unfamiliar road overgrown with thorns and obstacles. When I was forced by pain to quit my job I had no idea of the struggles and trials I was soon to face. Many of my acquaintances were quick to pat me on the back…
Writing To Be Heard
For as long as I can remember I’ve been a writer. I’ve always had an affinity for pens and notebooks or typewriters. Perhaps it was a subconscious way to be heard in a house filled with people. I was the oldest of six children born to my parents. As each new sibling came along, my…
My Brave New Journey
In March this blog will be two years old. The same month will mark the first anniversary of my last day at a job I held for seventeen years. And I hope this year it will also be the beginning of a joining of those two events in a unique way. The journey I want…
Valentine’s Day Through The Years
When we were young children, Valentine’s Day meant decorating brown paper bags with hearts cut from red construction paper. The night before the big day we signed our names on commercially made tiny greeting cards to exchange with classmates. My parents made sure I had one for every student in my class. Nobody would be…
“Shut Up, John”
My father died in 1989 when I was barely an adult. As the oldest child, responsibilities fell onto my shoulders when my mother was unable to cope with things. There were many things she had never learned how to do since her role in the family was only to take care of the children. It…
Over The Fence
When I was in high school I wrote a poem I titled “Over The Fence.” I was hoping to find a copy of it here to include with this post but, for some reason, it isn’t in my storage files. I considered trying to write another one in a similar vein but, remakes are never…