Welcome everyone to my world! My name is Shell…
This is my personal blog, offering a peek into my crazy life. Some of the posts will be about events in my life, while others are my personal observations on life in general.
If you already know who I am, no explanation is necessary. If you are new here, well, let’s just say be prepared for some surprises. I can be overly emotional, insanely crazy or a whole lot of fun depending upon the moment.
I’ve been a writer all my life, beginning with the first poem I wrote while I was in grade school. Most days you are more likely to find me with a notebook and pen than you are watching television, reading a book or doing much of anything else. In the early years, I wrote poetry and kept a diary. Later I began dipping my toes into short stories, journals, and essays.
Life Took Time Away From Writing
However, responsibilities of life have a way of stealing time from the things we love. As a working woman, there was little time for dedicated writing. I never gave it up, but time spent on it was greatly reduced.
I met my husband in 1995 and we married in 2001. His three sons have 10 children between them which kept us busy for a while. Health issues caused me to have to quit a job I held for 17 years, so there is more time to dedicate to writing again.
When I began this blog I had no idea what path it was going to take. I’m still not certain where it is going. My writing tends to take on a life of its own.
I Am A Survivor
I am a survivor of a narcissistic parent and I was sexually assaulted as a child. I have also been a supportive friend for a couple of women leaving abusive relationships. For this reason, you will find some of my posts cover these issues.
Because of my past, I frequently deal with self-esteem issues. I have also recently discovered I am an empath, which explains so much that confused me before. I literally feel the emotions of others. But, I am working to adjust my life accordingly. There are days when I feel very overwhelmed, some days I feel peaceful and calm and then some days when I have no idea how I feel.
This blog gives a bit of input into my life, but there is always more to discover. I’m still discovering who I am. You are very welcome to come along on this journey of self-discovery with me. I welcome your thoughts, comments and suggestions so please feel free to email me at shell@thewriteempath.com. As a freelance writer, I am also open to opportunities to work with new clients. If you like what you see, send me an email with your ideas!
Here are some of my more popular posts:
How Can You Be So Cruel To Your (Narcissist) Mother?
I hope you feel at home here.
Also please check out my page:
WHEN I BECAME FREE: Survivors Tell Their Stories